ARDESTO Gas cylinder for soda maker universal SMW-GB

This CO2 cylinder is designed for making 60-80 liters of carbonated sparkling water (with a full fill). The product is made of 6061A aluminum and has a unique gas leak protection system. The cylinder is compatible with the ARFDESTO SMW-01B, SMW-02B and SMW-02W soda makers.


  • Type
    Газовий балон
  • Appointment
    для приготування газованої води (ресурс 60-80 л)
  • Compatibility
    сифони ARDESTO SMW-01B, SMW-02B, SMW-02W
  • Fixation type
  • Maximum operating pressure
    10 bar
  • Maximum operating temperature
    40 °C
  • Material
  • Balloon dimensions
    360 х 60 х 60
  • Weight
    425 g (CO2)

Screw-type fixation. The cylinder is easy and safe to use, its size is 360 × 60 × 60mm, and the weight of CO2 is 425g. The maximum working pressure is 10 bar, the permissible working temperature is up to 40°C. The cylinder requires maintenance and refilling only in authorized centers.