ARDESTO Set of capacity for cream and sauce, 100 ml, 2 pcs AR2603CS
The set includes two 100 ml containers that can be used to serve sauces, milk or cream. Regarding the design features: at a height of 5.2 cm, the upper diameter of the necks is 6 cm, and both products also have a neat drain spout. The containers are made of borosilicate glass, which is the reason for the wide range of heat resistance - from -20 to +150 °C. In addition, there will be no problems with care, because the products can be washed in a dishwasher, it is not recommended to use in the microwave.
Типнабір ємностей для вершків та соусів
Матеріалскло термостійкість: -20…+150°C / дерево
Об`єм100 мл
Розміри6 x 5.2 (діаметр та висота)
Основний колірпрозорий
Використання в посудомийній машині1
Країна виробництваКитай