Electric Kettle Ardesto EKL-F300R
Metal electric kettle in red color with Strix controller for protection against overheating. The capacity of the kettle EKL-F300R is 1.7 liters, and the stand provides 360° rotation. The stand, base and handle are made of black polycarbonate. The main part of the kettle is made of painted metal. Volume marks from 0.5 l to 1.7 l equipped with backlight.
Потужність1850 Вт /2200 Вт
Об`єм1.7 л
Нагрівальний елементприхований дисковий
Відкриття кришкиклавіша на ручці
ОсобливостіОбертання на 360 ° / Термостат Strix / Світлодіодна підсвітка
БезпекаАвтоматичне відключення при недостатній кількості води / Автовідключення
Країна виробникКитай
Матеріалнержавіюча сталь
For comfortable use there is a convenient handle with an opening button. The kettle is turned on with a key located at the bottom of the kettle. The wire length is 80 cm. Transparent scales with volume marks equipped with backlight.
The heating element is hidden. Its effective location with a power of 1850 W provides fast reaching of the set temperature. Strix controller provides durable overheating protection and automatic shutdown when there is no water inside. Its resource is up to 15,000 work cycles, which equals 10 years of intensive use of the device.