Hair Dryer Brush ARDESTO HD-C100
Device typevolume brush
Назначениедля спіральних (вертикальних) локонів / для природної хвилі / для об'єму
Power1000 V
Number of temperature regimes2
Modes2 температурні режими
Nozzles includedbrush 2 шт (з керамічним покриттям)
Особенностиз терморегулятором
The diameter of the brush40 mm та 50 мм
Additionallyrotation in different directions / обертання шнура на 360°
Complete setUser manual / Warranty card / brush 2 pcs
Where to buy:
A powerful helper
Thanks to the power of 1 000 W, you can quickly dry your hair, give it the desired shape and create soft curls. In terms of construction, the body looks like a handle to which nozzles of various shapes and purposes are connected to experiment with hairstyles. ARDESTO HD-C100 includes two nozzles with ceramic coating, which has heat-protective properties, evenly distributes and retains heat for a long time. Nozzles are with a diameter of 40 and 50 mm, so it remains only to decide - to make playful light curls or to create a luxurious volume. Thanks to the clockwise and counterclockwise nozzles’ rotation, you can solve several tasks at once: twist curls outwards and inwards, dry hair more comfortably, make classic and fashionable hairstyles on hair of different lengths, etc.
Useful functions
The mains cord has a comfortable length and rotates 360°; it is an important function when you have to constantly rotate the brush during modeling. ARDESTO thermal brush HD-C100 is a trump card in the women's beauty arsenal. It carefully cares for the hair, serves for a long time thanks to excellent quality and saves time for hairstyles, because it has an effective functionality.